Sunday 24 January 2010

I’m a Photographer Not A Terrorist

I have written here before (10th December 2009) about the interpretation of section 44 of the Terrorism Act and the impact on street photographers. There are useful articles which explain the background and context here and here

There seemed to be a limited acknowledgment late last year by senior police that their implementation of this was becoming heavy-handed. However, people continue to be frustrated and have become sufficiently hacked-off to now get organised. Objections and protest seem largely gathered around the organisation “I’m a Photographer Not A Terrorist” which is running a good website, giving legal advice for those affected, and generally leading a well intentioned campaign.

I went to the demonstration in Trafalgar Square yesterday, which is reported on the BBC andon Sky News.

There was a large and jolly crowd, lots of good humour, and plenty of press and tv attendance. Police presence seemed to be limited to just two Community Support Offices. My own minor contribution was a video interview with a reporter from WinkBall – no I hadn’t heard of it either, but it had several people there, equipped with the impressiveFlip video cameras. An explanation of what is about here:

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